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Parental Smartphone Usage and Child Socioemotional Wellbeing

Parental connection and responsiveness have been well-established to play a central role in children’s social well-being and emotional health. However, integrating smartphone technology into daily life has caused concern about how these devices might significantly interrupt parental responsiveness. Research has found differences in responsive parenting practices due to smartphone use, consequently impacting children’s socioemotional health. There are a variety of mechanisms that might explain these impacts, however, the details have yet to be identified.
The current study aims to investigate the processes that mediate the link between parental smartphone use and child socioemotional wellbeing in 12- to 18-month-olds. This study involves questionnaires, an app that tracks screentime, and an in-person visit to observe parents interacting with their child!
This study aims to inform parents, policymakers, clinicians, and other researchers on how and when parental smartphone use impacts child socioemotional development.
For more information about this study, please feel free to email us at: prositps@dal.ca.